We meet at Farmingdale State College on Friday, April 24th to talk about the research interests of each groups and discuss how we might work together more in the future.
Among the ideas discussed for future interactions were:
- the creation of a mailing list for the group, and encouraging our graduate students to e-mail the list when they are ready to give talks at any of the NY area institutions.
- a future summer school. There was a lot of interest in this, and we will think about funding sources in the future to make this a reality.
- the possibility of team teaching classes virtually among the different institutions.
Meeting organizers:
Jeff Oishi (Farmingdale): oishij AT farmingdale.edu
Michael Zingale (Stony Brook): michael.zingale AT stonybrook.edu
- Columbia group presentation: Columbia-talk.pdf Columbia2-talk.pdf
- Farmingdale presentation: [google docs link]
- AMNH presentation: AMNH-talk.pdf
- Stony Brook presentation: SBU-talk.pdf
- CUNY presentation: CUNY_COMP.pdf
- LIU presentation: LIU-talk.pdf
- NYU presentation: