New York Area Computational Astrophysics

April 8, 2016 Meeting


The 2016 meeting of the New York Area Computational Astrophysics group will be at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) on Friday April 8th, 2016, in the Linder Theater.

The meeting will have two themes this year: Community and Collaboration and Students of Computational Astrophysics. The morning will be largely unstructured, and focus on collaborations among the institutions in the area.

Tentative Agenda


The meeting is held in the Linder Theater at the American Museum of Natural History.

If you are arriving by subway, you can take the B or C to 81st St or the 1 to 79th. If you take the B or C, exit the station, and you will be on Central Park West. Do NOT go to the planetarium entrance on the North side. Walk downtown on Central Park West with the museum on your right hand side. Turn right on 77th st, and use the entrance halfway down the block.

If you take the 1 train to 79th st, exit the station and walk east on 79th Street until you run into the museum at Columbus Ave. Turn downtown (right) on Columbus and walk to 77th. Make a left on 77th and the entrance will be midblock. The museum will not yet be open, but the guard will let you in and direct you to Linder.

If you are driving, you may be able to park in the museum's lot (on 81st Street between Columbus and Central Park West), but you will need to walk all the way around the museum to the 77th street entrance.

We will order pizzas for the lunch break, and expect to collect a nominal fee ($5) to cover costs. If it is nice out, we will eat outside at the terrace. We are also exploring plans for coffee at the meeting.

Topics for discussion

There is a lot of time for open discussion. We ask that you propose a topic you might want to lead a discussion of when you register. If there are multiple suggestions of the same topic, we'll ask for people to lead the topic together. Potential topics include: a summer school, collaborative teaching of computational astro courses across institutions, an area-wide seminar series (that is streamed to the different institutions), ...

Student presentations

The afternoon is dedicated to student presentations. The talk schedule is now posted.


This meeting has ended.

Meeting organizers

Jeff Oishi (Farmingdale/AMNH): oishij AT
Michael Zingale (Stony Brook): michael.zingale AT